
Your homework over the half term holiday is to find out as much as you can about the village of Chembakolli, which is in India.

Let us know your Chembakolli facts here!

The flag of India

136 Responses to Chembakolli

  1. Louise Knight says:

    I have looked for websites but I can not get on to them because there in different Languages

  2. Miss Bayes says:

    Maybe some of the India links on our blog might help Louise?

  3. Natalie says:

    sorry miss bayes but i carn’t find anything about Chembakolli. sorry!

      • Elwira says:

        OH HAHAHAHAHAH YOU! MY SCHOOL IS THE BBBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!GO FOUNDRY LANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • LSG says:

      I carn’t

  4. hayley fry says:

    They speak 15 diffrent lanuges in India.

  5. hayley fry says:

    Chembakolli is a small village in India.


  6. charlotte says:

    The traditional tree of India is the Banyan tree!:-)

  7. Charlotte! says:

    Wow I didn’t know they speak that many lanuges thanks hayley


  8. Louise Knight says:

    I really enjoyed todays lesson!

  9. says:

    there are lots of fields

  10. mellani says:


    Chembakolli is a village that lies to the south of India – it lies north of a town called GULDAR.
    It is a village with about 125 households spread throughout it.
    The village has got bigger as people have built small farms there.
    Many villagers live in mud and straw huts with just one or two rooms.
    Most of the area around it is hilly forests ( Tamil Nadu State )
    There aare about 600,000 villages in India and they are home to more than three quarters of the population.
    Some of the villages are tiny with just a few houses and some are much bigger, more like small towns.
    Most villagers work as farmers and get up at sunrise to start.
    India has 14 different states ruled by a central government.
    The language they speak, the religion they follow and the way they dress all depends on which part they live in.
    The people who live in Chembakolli are referred to as Adivasi – this is a word which means tribal people living in any part of India.
    There are lots of different tribes all over India, but the people in Chembakolli are mainly from the Kattunaikan and Bettakurumba tribes.
    Some of the village children go to school, their schools are in the open air and they have lessons sitting on the ground.

  11. tom says:

    Chembakolli is a village in the south of India – it lies to the North of a town called Gudalur. It is a large village with 125 households spread throughout it. The village has got bigger as people have set up small farms there. Many villagers live in mud and straw huts with just one or two rooms. Most of the area around it is hilly forests (Tamil Nadu State).
    There are about 600, 000 villages in India and they are home to more than 3 quarters of the population. Some villages are tiny with just a few houses and others are much larger, more like small towns. Most villagers in India work as farmers – the men get up at sunrise to work in the fields. India has 14 different states ruled by a central government. The language the people speak, the religion they follow, and the way they dress depends on which part they live in.
    The people who live in Chembakolli are referred to as Adivasi – this is a word which means tribal people living in any part of India. There are lots of different tribes all over India, but the people in Chembakolli are mainly from the Kattunaikan and Bettakurumba tribes. Some of the village children go to school – their schools are in the open air and they have lessons sitting on the ground.

  12. raty man says:


  13. ZOMG! says:


  14. Els-Bells says:

    Hi i am learining about Chembakolli. But i cant find any good websites about Chembakolli……………………. Does anyone know any good websites about Chembakolli????? If you do leave a reply….. I will be so thankfull….. 🙂 😀

  15. Emily says:

    Chembakolli is a small vllage in India. There are elephants there which help the people. It is a very poor vilage and is very different from England.

  16. courtney says:

    chembakolli is in india

  17. Els-Bells says:

    was that message from courtney smith?

  18. Ellie sharkey says:

    chembakolli is in the hilly forest area of Tamil Nadu state.

  19. jake says:

    google has some good grahic pictures of Chembakolli

  20. betty says:

    I think you should try really hard and you will find lots

    try cbbc

  21. doodle says:

    heyy x

  22. giilll says:

    love it yee

  23. Billy says:

    India is the second most populist country in the whole world.

  24. We are learning about Chembakolli with Mrs Boyle. She makes geography lots of fun.

  25. rebecca richards says:

    i am from rhos school we have been learning about chembakolli too i was wondering if u new a website that would give me information please reply
    regards rebecca richards

  26. emma says:

    wow i learnt alot from you today

  27. matthew says:

    I dont love chembakolli

  28. JasmineC says:

    my friend is called charlotte I hope its her!!

  29. nathaniel says:

    this is so cool

  30. lola rose says:

    hello im lola

  31. lola rose says:

    hey there are about 130,000 population in Chembakolli

  32. lola rose says:


  33. Deaven says:

    I’m Researching Too!
    I’ve Gotta Write A Report!
    I’m 11.
    I Need To Know The Weather!

  34. michael says:

    we are learning about chembokilli with mr quatermain

  35. michael says:

    mr quatermain rules

  36. morgan knights says:

    hi,my name is morgan knights and im 9 years old and i go to toftwood junior school, mrs hodges, my teacher is teaching us about chembakolli ,its really fun! if you were to pick a school to go to pick TOFTWOOD JUNIOR SCHOOL!!!!!

  37. fred says:

    i dont no any websites about chembakolli village myself. 🙂

  38. My site. says:

    Look at this….

    Sweet site dude, check out mine when you get a min……

  39. fred says:

    lola rose: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ya good :)stfu

  40. Spoortera says:

    Unadulterated words, some true words man. Thanx for making my day.

  41. Erin myrie says:

    chembakolli is a small villige in india and they most of the people in chembakolli live in straw huts or the mud.chembakolli is a very exciting topic in school
    thx miss bilal!!

  42. lolla says:


    Ihave decided to study the children that live in chembakolli and I have foundut that the children would it wasnt raining.

    please comment or reply thanx

  43. lolla says:


    i have decided to study chembakolli children and so far i have found out that the children at school would get taught outside if it wasnt raining!!!

    plz reply or comment.

    thanx lolla

  44. lolla says:

    ooosted twice soz

  45. lolla says:

    ooops I spelt it rong

  46. lolla says:

    =) =) =)

  47. lolla says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  48. no named person says:


    i am new plz tell me some facts about Chembakolli.



    no named person

    P.S- i go to R.M.S in Rickmansworth

  49. no named person says:


    no named person


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  51. holly says:

    what weather have they got

  52. jane says:

    india is great

  53. lucy says:

    chembakolli is verry small .alot of the the time woman do at lot of the stuff

  54. Brooke says:

    Hi im writing a report about chembakolli and i need information!

  55. melinda says:

    It must be boring there,probibly there is no toys to play with and maybe only rich people can get there children to school,It must be hard work 😦 Hope it is good india:)

    • Elwira says:

      Chembakolli is a village melinda so I guess no rich people live there. I think that on Monday some children go then on Tusday some other children go and again and again and again and then all over again.

  56. aoife says:

    Hi, Miss clarke is my techer she teaches us about Chembakolli. We are making a website about Chembakolli.I need to find lots of research, does
    anyone know any good websites?
    Aoife Duffy

  57. jojo says:

    mrs connerly needs info on this village

  58. jane says:

    you are a guy

  59. sonia says:

    hih i can not find any websites about india.

    we might go on a trip to india nah that was a joke!!!!!!!!!!

  60. Issy says:

    hi in my class in year 4 we have been learning about chembakollie alot they have ice cream did you know that.

    Chembakollie is a foresty area and that means it is very dangerous.also elephats walk by the houses how horrible.

    i think life must be hard in Chembakollie.

    From Issy

  61. Jack Pearlman says:

    lololol i luv chembakollie if it haz refreshments lolololololololololololololol

  62. Rose Wall says:


  63. saud says:

    play aq worlds

  64. we are nasir and nadir hi we are learing about chembakolli and it is fun and the website is fun.

  65. sadie cullen says:

    chembakolli is a village were they dont cut trees down and they just grow plants in betwine trees

  66. Elwira says:

    I,am learning about Chembakolli in school in Geography with Mrs Gates and that’s not my teacher Miss Griffiths is.

  67. Lauren says:

    Hi, I am studding The village in school seems Its really good to research about!

  68. sophie grace says:

    3. it is actually a sad and interesting project.

  69. I think chembakolli is a very poor country.I am making progres in school.I know it is south India.

  70. Sajeev says:

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    website for aqw is : www.

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  72. michele says:

    Can anyone tell me if the Adivasi people of Chembakolli have or follow a religion?

  73. joshua metson says:

    hi everyone i cant find anything to do on chembakolli

  74. joshua metson says:

    tell me a fct of chembakolli

  75. liz says:

    hey alex shut its rude ha

  76. jemila says:

    super chembakoli

  77. Breaking Alternative News…

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  78. Tamil Recipes…

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  79. jenny says:

    chembacolli is a village in India they are poor it is in the nilgiri hills in India they have elephants and they grow there crops inbertween the trees they take a jeep to gudalor there is a market, cinima and a hospatal but they have to pay to go to the hospatal but they dont go inless they are really bad

  80. JemilaAtyamo says:

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  81. jemila says:

    i am jemila and i am in chembakolli

  82. cherrypie says:

    Chembakolli is a village that lies to the south of India – it lies north of a town called GULDAR.
    It is a village with about 125 households spread throughout it.
    The village has got bigger as people have built small farms there.
    Many villagers live in mud and straw huts with just one or two rooms.
    Most of the area around it is hilly forests ( Tamil Nadu State )
    There aare about 600,000 villages in India and they are home to more than three quarters of the population.
    Some of the villages are tiny with just a few houses and some are much bigger, more like small towns.
    Most villagers work as farmers and get up at sunrise to start
    India has 14 different states ruled by a central government.
    The language they speak, the religion they follow and the way they dress all depends on which part they live in.
    The people who live in Chembakolli are referred to as Adivasi – this is a word which means tribal people living in any part of India.
    There are lots of different tribes all over India, but the people in Chembakolli are mainly from the Kattunaikan and Bettakurumba tribes.
    Some of the village children go to school, their schools are in the open air and they have lessons sitting on the ground.

    chembakolli is a hot sunny dry place. it is in india it has the population of about 10000 pepole not that many crops grow because it dosent rain usally it rains about 2 times a month then when it rains it brings joy aand happpienes

  83. jevean says:

    when I learned a chembakolli I was shocked.It’s an amazing place

  84. wood says:


    […]Chembakolli « A wonderful place for Year 4[…]…

  85. Flash Games says:

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    […]Chembakolli « A wonderful place for Year 4[…]…

  86. Lucy says:

    I loved leaning about Chembacolli it was the best thing I have leant this year it was somethig i havn’t never leant befor so that was good.
    Chembacolli is a village on the south of India.

  87. Lucy says:


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    […]Chembakolli « A wonderful place for Year 4[…]…

  89. Emily says:

    I am studying Chembakolli at my school. It is so interesting and some things are very sad 😥 We had a cake fair and fun raiser for charity. Our head teachers daughters came in and baked cakes with us and had a cake sale with us, and they did ALLLL that for charity. I hope people that live in Chembakolli one day have a nice house, I just think it is so sad where they live. Comment if you agree. XX

  90. Emily says:

    Chembakolli Is a place full of interesting people. I saw a video on some people that live there 😉

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  93. Aggie says:

    hi! Urr,I guese

  94. says:

    Chembakolli | A wonderful place for Year 4

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